Our Service User Advisory Group (SUAG) is a way for service users and their carers to help us to plan, develop and improve our service. It is open to people who have recent experience of receiving treatment from Lewisham Talking Therapies and their carers who have been involved with the service in the last five years.
The SUAG is an opportunity to:
- contribute to the development of mental health services
- be paid for your contributions on an hourly basis (provided that you are on the SLaM Involvement Register
- help co-produce elements of our service
- put an innovative piece of work on your CV
- build confidence and meet new people
How the Service User Advisory Group works
The SUAG meets on a monthly basis, with 1 hour 30 minutes allocated for each meeting. The group currently meets virtually on Thursdays at 3.30pm, so you will need internet access to join us. Members usually make a commitment to join the SUAG for at least one year, at which point an individual’s involvement will be reviewed to ensure involvement opportunities are fairly distributed.
How to apply
For more information or to apply to join the Service User Advisory Group, please email slm-tr.IAPTLewisham@nhs.net