Who we help
We offer support to all adults over the age of 18 who are registered with a Lewisham GP and experiencing a mental health difficulty. If you feel you need some support, please click on the ‘refer yourself’ box.
Below are some examples of the client groups that we work with.

There is an incredible amount of stigma associated with experiencing mental health problems and,
for men specifically, this has led to an epidemic in the UK.
Perinatal clients

Help and emotional support during pregnancy and the first year after having a baby. Having a baby can be joyful, exciting and rewarding.
Young people

Being between 18 and 24 years old can be an exciting period of life! However, it can also be a challenging one as it is likely that new responsibilities arise, and some life
decisions need to be made.

Mental health problems can affect anyone but being LGBTQ+ means you are more
at risk of experiencing poor mental health (Stonewall Report,2018). Being LGBTQ+
doesn’t cause these problems.
Long Term Health Conditions

Living with a long-term health condition can be stressful and challenging. This can cause further negative effects on our activities, energy levels, relationships, and other areas of our lives.
Those with employment difficulties

We understand that any concerns related to employment can have a large impact on mental health, so we ensure that we provide support around this.